Eye Earn so can YOU

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Guitar Hero 3 is slightly harder than Rock Band. I have alot more fun playing Rock Band. Not only is it easier but my whole family can get in on the action. Even my 6 year old can play any of the instruments on easy, even sing. I really wish they would release the seperate instruments so i could get another guitar. The guitar for Rock Band is much nicer than the one for Guitar Hero or any of the 3rd party guitars i've seen. Also there are many more downloadable songs for Rock Band on the PSNetwork. The band members you create have an unreal amount of customization. You can change there cloths, hair, jewelry and even create tattoos. Guitar Hero 3 does have some really good songs and i do like the fact that you don't have to beat ever song in each area to go to the next (you do in Rock Band). My final verdict though is to go with Rock Band. Especially if you don't already have a guitar that works with Guitar Hero, because for the extra $60 or $70 you will spend on Rock Band will be well worth it. For that little extra cash you get a drum set and a microphone, not to mention alot more songs.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I've just unlocked Prestige Mode for the second time. I can't decide if i should start over again or try to complete all the challenges. I wish they let you pick a gun to keep or unlock a new one or something. Let me know your rank and what you've decided to do. Also in anyone wants to add me as a friend on their PS3, my screen name is maggot666. Hope to see you on the battlefield.